Sustainability through retrofitting

    The Richter retrofit philosophy is exactly what is generally referred today as sustainabilitySince the beginning of our company history, we live sustainability not only for our customers but also as the highest priority for our own production sites.

    Our main focus is on repairing defect rolls, aggregates and components of all kind of manufacturers in a cost-effective and high quality way instead of selling expensive new parts. In many cases, the quality of our repairs, overhauls and new parts is much higher than the original manufacturer because of our materials developed in house and highly wear resistant materials.


    Extending the life time of parts, complete aggregates and rolls is not the only possibility for the industry to increase its sustainability. Increasing the energy efficiency has often a much greater positive impact on sustainability. The regeneration of worn geometries often increases energy efficiency considerable, so that even the level of a new system can be reached. By using our highly wear resistant special materials, efficiency losses will be also reduced in the medium term as the maximum efficiency corresponding to a new system is maintained for much longer.

    Particularly for vacuum pumps, extreme energy savings are possible in a lot of paper mills with our retrofitting which is much more cost effective than purchasing a new pump. A return of investment of less than 6 months is not uncommon.


    Richter Retrofitting


    Process optimization through design changes


    Materials for higher resistance against wear and corrosion



    Our materials technology

    • Optimization of wear and corrosion protection
      • Hard welding with a wide range of processes and materials

      • Thermal spraying of hard metals, chrome-replacement, ceramic, molybdenum and zinc

      • Wear and corrosion resistant cladding using stainless steel sheets and Richter wear plates

      • Coating with wear and corrosion-resistant composites

      • Using various hardened and tempered steels

      • Lining with hard and soft rubber coatings

    Richter Benefits

    • High quality repairs instead of new investments
    • Costumized Overhauls
    • Excellent machine park up to 80 tons piece weight
    • Materials developed in house for most diverse requirements
    • Optimization for reducing energy consumption
    • Optimization for increasing production volume
    • Service-Contracts